You need the right automotive digital marketing plan to bring customers to your dealership today and help you increase profits.
The days of relying solely on print, television, and radio ads are a thing of the past. Before the boom of the internet, you could reach customers through the entertainment they enjoyed every day, but today, there are so many entertainment choices that it’s hard to know where your customers are. Thankfully, there are a few great ways to reach them.
Email Marketing is Still a Big Part of Your Success
You might think of email marketing as being a bit old school, and you’d be right, but this type of marketing is necessary, and it’s super affordable. When you gather information from online users who connect with your dealership website to give you their contact information, you can build an email list to reach out to them. Sending an email to this list is cheap and easy.
Videos Are a Huge Part of Marketing
More people than ever are turning to videos for nearly everything. You can learn how to build an item, what is best for specific ailments, and how to bake or cook with simple videos. Because videos can be engaging, offer personality, and show as well as tell users what they want to know, they have become a powerful marketing tool. Create some amazing videos and make them part of your automotive digital marketing plan.
Using Pay Per Click (PPC) Works Great When on a Budget
Instead of paying to put your advertising in places where you aren’t sure your target customers will see them, use PPC marketing. You don’t pay unless a customer clicks on your ad. This makes it easy for you to know that you’ve gained at least minimal interest from a customer who might be interested in buying a vehicle from your dealership.
Your Online Reputation Matters, Check Your Reviews
You have an online reputation and it matters. Many of your customers won’t even bother to come to see you unless you have a specific number of stars or reviews through Google. While you can’t control the number of reviews, you want to build your reputation with good reviews and request them from your customers. Make this a regular part of your automotive digital marketing plan and you’ll see more visitors at your dealership.
Social Media Must be Part of your Automotive Digital Marketing Plan
You’ll need to engage on social media with your potential customers. The most popular platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Learn how each of these works and what you can do to be active and fully engaged with your local area. It’s important to share information, build a following and see your content shared on social media.
Create a User-Friendly Website
You have a website and it needs to be used by your customers, can they do this easily? Have you tested all of the buttons? Do the web pages load quickly? Can a user find what they want when using the search bar? These are just a few of the questions you need to answer when you test your website to make sure it’s providing the right information for your shoppers.
Make Your Pages Searchable with Excellent SEO Strategies
Your automotive digital marketing plan needs to include amazing content that’s supported by the keywords related to your website. Your content needs to be authoritative and include links to pages that can give your users more information. Make sure your content is ranking at or near the top of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and you’ll enjoy the success you desire from your online marketing.
Engage in SMS Marketing Techniques
Your shoppers are using their smartphones every day and they typically send and receive several messages throughout the day. Use SMS marketing and you’ll begin a direct conversation with customers. This can be more effective than email marketing because the customers who will engage with you are likely to respond quickly and not wait several hours before opening the messages you send.
A Nondigital Part of Your Automotive Digital Marketing Plan
You can still reach many of your local customers by using direct mail advertising. This is not a digital marketing tool, but you can include your website, social media links, and other digital information when you send out direct mailers to your local customers. This can be a great way to reach those who have purchased a car at your dealership and may need to bring it in for regular service or maintenance.